I’d like to tell you a story about nature (and there’s a lesson here that applies to your life).
One day when I was quite young I went for a hike with my family. We were walking through a forest with large trees and a soft babbling creek flowing beside the trail.
As we moved along that day I started feeling very different than on other hikes.
I was drawn into the sounds & smells of the forest in a new way. There were so many different shades of green & birds singing all around me.
I had never noticed nature like this before.
My chattering mind began to quiet down and my body started buzzing with aliveness. I felt my mind flooding with new ideas and I saw my life with a deep sense of clarity.
Perhaps you’ve experienced something like this in your life?
You might call it ‘flow’ or you might call it a peak experience.
It doesn’t really matter what you call it. It’s these moments of deep awareness when people have the greatest access to new ideas, creativity and insights.
I’ve come to realize in recent years that this experience is a very natural state of mind. It’s always there when we take the time to ‘wake up and smell the roses’.
I often come back to this state when I spend quality time out in nature. It provides insight to guide my life.
How You Can Do Nature Awareness Routines:
There was a question sent in asking about the routines that I use to help switch on my awareness. It’s a really great question so I want to share the video response with you.
Thanks to Sandro Ponticelli for submitting this question.
If you have any of your own questions please fill out the form on the Q&A page.
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this input, Brian. My home is in Johannesburg, but am lucky enough to live at the foot of a “koppie” -the Afrikaans name for a small hill. It is full of the natural world and I walk on it almost every day. I feel a friendship growing between myself and the birds, rocks, plants and mammals. I especially feel connected to the many crows. (Thank you also for your input on crow calls). I love the book Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, but seeing your videos has really opened up some amazing understanding, even portals. I think what you are doing is great and so important. Thank you.
Thanks Felicity, I’m really glad to hear about your experiences. It’s so fun for me to connect with people around the world who are reading & watching my videos. If you have ideas for other topics you think I should cover please let me know. You’re always welcome to send me an email or fill out the Q&A form.
Send my greetings to the South African crows! So amazing.