ReWilding Conversations Episode 04
What’s The Shortest Path To Being A More Powerful Mentor? You Are!
Here’s what I mean…
I get lots of emails from people who are seeking to share the benefits of nature with friends, family & community.
But there’s a common mistake that I notice really holds a lot of people back from effectively being the powerful mentor and leader they strive to be.
The big mistake: They focus too much on helping others! And not enough on developing their own naturalist gifts to the full potential.
This is a really tough block to get past when we live in a society that constantly tells us to sacrifice for others.
The problem is that by sacrificing your own passions, goals & interests, you deprive others of having someone powerful to look up to.
You can have all the right activities, exercises, questions, games & intentions… but if you don’t focus on developing your own unique gifts in nature then you’re going to majorly struggle to share nature and awaken the gifts of others!
On the flip side: If you really focus at least half your energy on developing your own natural gifts as an ongoing routine… then suddenly you’ll find yourself much more capable to be that powerful leader & mentor for people around you.
Today we’re talking about the internal side of being a powerful nature connected mentor & leader.
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