If you’ve read any of the other writings I’ve put on this website then you may have guessed that I’m very passionate about bird language and I love sharing this skill with people.
One of the things I really want to bestow on my readers is that bird language is one of the coolest skills that human beings can develop.
On this page I’m going to offer some motivation and share 4 of my favorite reasons why you should learn bird language.
This is a way of sharing my excitement in hopes that you will become inspired to learn as well.
Reason #1 – It’s fun!
This may seem like a simple reason but it’s totally true. Bird language is SO much fun.
Think about it! You actually get to go out and just by listening to bird sounds; tell that there’s a wild animal moving along the edge of the forest.
In some cases this can be done from extremely long distances.
It’s very much like having a sixth sense when you’re out in nature, which is super cool in and of itself.
There’s nothing more exciting than hearing an alarm and tracking down a raccoon or a bobcat or an owl with nothing but your human senses.
And, because you have advanced knowledge that the animal is there, you can sometimes get the unique opportunity to view them without them even knowing.
Learning bird language will totally transform the experience you have when you’re out in nature and bring all sorts of mysteries and exciting adventures to life.
Reason #2 – It teaches problem solving and investigation skills…
Bird language requires a certain quality of awareness in order to be successful.
Often times in order to figure out what’s happening with some alarms it takes ongoing observation in one place.
Maybe you don’t even figure it out on the first day… sometimes it takes weeks or even months of putting the pieces together to really understand what’s happening with some alarms you’re tracking.
This is a lot like a detective investigating a crime.
They might start with just one clue but then as more evidence roles in over time eventually they catch the suspect. The only difference is that in this case the suspect will be an elusive animal skulking in the shadows.
Qualities of persistence, focus and awareness will help you to track down the answers to your questions and you’ll gain the ability to bring this “detectives mind” to everything else you do in life.
Reason #3 – It gives you secret knowledge of what’s happening in nature
Bird language will really show you that you’re not alone when you go out into nature.
It’s incredible how much happens beneath the surface when we know how to pay attention.
When you listen and get good at hearing bird alarms move across the landscape then a whole new world of activity will open up that you might not have realized was taking place before.
People (myself included) often have the experience as they learn bird language that certain animals suddenly move into their neighborhood that weren’t there before.
It’s not that new animals are actually moving into the area. They were always there but most of the time we just don’t notice them.
Bird language opens up these secret lives of animals and enables you to have meaningful connections with them.
As you begin to understand all the interconnected relationships between yourself and the animals and the birds, weather, plants, trees, etc, then you’ll really feel apart of the natural world and you’ll discover a profound sense of belonging in your place.
Reason #4 It helps you become a better hunter
If you like to hunt either with a bow or a rifle or a camera then knowledge of bird language will only make you more successful.
If you’re hunting deer with bird language in your back pocket then you’ll be able to pick up on the signs that a deer is aware of your presence.
Bird language will help you figure out where animals are located and when the birds are giving away your own location. That means you’ll have greater stealth, ability to get close to animals and generally be more successful in the field.
I’ve been so fortunate to have amazing experiences with owls, bobcats, hawks, cougars, bears, coyotes, deer and other amazingly cool animals.
I really owe almost all my close animal encounters to the effort I’ve put into learning bird language.
Learn Bird Language!
So there you have it.
If I haven’t convinced you by now that bird language is awesome then you’re probably not even reading this anymore.
If you stuck through it and are still reading… Congratulations! You’re ready to start an amazing journey of learning bird language in your own place.
You won’t be sorry.
Reading through my other articles will help you get started.
Just take it step by step and you too can learn bird language like a pro!
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