ReWilding Conversations Episode 08:
You probably already know that connecting with nature has amazing benefits, but here’s the big question… are you actually doing it?
It’s a well known fact that being outside makes human beings smarter, calmer, more creative…
Yet how often do you find yourself saying you want to meditate outside, learn the plants, explore bird language, know the forest deeply, go tracking, take that survival trip… only to get stuck when there’s not enough time, or you lack the knowledge, or access to great nature spots?
Today we’re talking about the common blocks that might be preventing you from getting your daily dose of nature.
These are common pitfalls that sometimes stop otherwise successful naturalists & mentors from really getting all their dreams met when it comes to outdoor skills & experiences (And how to breakthrough!)
Some of the culprits include:
1. “There’s Not Enough Time!”
2. Lack of Access To Nature (City Living)
3. Distractions
4. Feeling Alone. No One To Share Stories & Interests
5. “I Don’t Know HOW”
So let’s tackle these together…
Today on ReWilding Conversations we’re talking about how to break through the blocks so you can create a truly meaningful and rewarding relationship with nature.
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