Today I am very excited to share a conversation that I just had with Genevieve Curtis down in Gainesville Florida.
Genevieve sent me a message wanting to be on the podcast so we could talk about some of her questions she’s been having around Owls & Turkey Vultures.
Our conversation was such a great example of the kind of thought process that goes into investigating and building a very deep knowledge of animal behavior, and even how to actually see a new animal without really knowing where to begin.
Most people probably think that having encounters with animals and getting closer to wildlife is just a random occurrence.
But when you begin to think more strategically like a tracker, it becomes possible to have a lot more say about which animals you get to interact with out on the land.
It’s possible to take any animal and work out a strategy for finding it & eventually seeing it up close & personal, or if you’re already seeing it on a regular basis, to really piece together a complete sequence of behavior.
So in this recording we talked about the exact steps to follow if you want to see an Owl up close and personal in the wild.
And we also talked about how you might investigate the specific motivations behind different types of Turkey Vulture flight patterns.
It’s really fascinating stuff and the insights will be extremely relevant to anyone who wants to get closer to wild animals or understand animal behavior or bird language.
Episode Links:
How To Find Owls
Buck Off Films (Genevieve’s Website)
Would you like to be a guest on the show? Just visit the ‘Be A Guest‘ page and we’ll be in touch!
Can u send me the robins alarming on owls please. I just listened to ur podcast with the lady in florida about owls n vultures , n like her, i have never an owl in the wild n i would so dearly love to. Also the r so big when or if u get a chance to see them on the ground. I love everything about learning about these creautures. So yea, thank u.
Hi Karen, you’ll find the robin alarm recording in this article:
It’s in step 3: “Know What To Listen For” 🙂
I live in council bluffs ia and well it’s a good size city and right across the street from me is a house and behind that is sone trees not a forest but a few trees anyways it is the strangest thing, at around 6 or 7 PM I can sit on my porch and watch all the Turkey vultures come o these two dead trees that are across street from me and I’m not talking a few birds , these birds come from every direction and it’s like a convoy for boy a hour they all cone flying in they will circle around theee trees some land right away their will be at least 60 to 70 birds for in the sky right in front of me and then u watch them all land in the two trees and herez the strange part they do it everyday they get up around 8am and u can see themall leave heading off in different direction, 9nly to come back that evening it is crazy that no matter where they at all day they come back to same spot every night . Is this normal
Yes! This is perfectly normal behavior for Turkey Vultures. It sounds like you live close to a communal roost. Very cool!